
Finalfusion Embeddings

class finalfusion.embeddings.Embeddings(storage: finalfusion.storage.storage.Storage, vocab: finalfusion.vocab.vocab.Vocab, norms: Optional[finalfusion.norms.Norms] = None, metadata: Optional[finalfusion.metadata.Metadata] = None)[source]

Embeddings class.

Embeddings always contain a Storage and Vocab. Optional chunks are Norms corresponding to the embeddings of the in-vocab tokens and Metadata.

Embeddings can be retrieved through three methods:

  1. Embeddings.embedding() allows to provide a default value and returns this value if no embedding could be found.

  2. Embeddings.__getitem__() retrieves an embedding for the query but raises an exception if it cannot retrieve an embedding.

  3. Embeddings.embedding_with_norm() requires a Norms chunk and returns an embedding together with the corresponding L2 norm.

Embeddings are composed of the 4 chunk types:

  1. Storage (required):

  2. Vocab (required):

  3. Metadata

  4. Norms


>>> storage = NdArray(np.float32(np.random.rand(2, 10)))
>>> vocab = SimpleVocab(["Some", "words"])
>>> metadata = Metadata({"Some": "value", "numerical": 0})
>>> norms = Norms(np.float32(np.random.rand(2)))
>>> embeddings = Embeddings(storage=storage, vocab=vocab, metadata=metadata, norms=norms)
>>> embeddings.vocab.words
['Some', 'words']
>>> np.allclose(embeddings["Some"], storage[0])
>>> try:
...     embeddings["oov"]
... except KeyError:
...     True
>>> _, n = embeddings.embedding_with_norm("Some")
>>> np.isclose(n, norms[0])
>>> embeddings.metadata
{'Some': 'value', 'numerical': 0}
__init__(storage: finalfusion.storage.storage.Storage, vocab: finalfusion.vocab.vocab.Vocab, norms: Optional[finalfusion.norms.Norms] = None, metadata: Optional[finalfusion.metadata.Metadata] = None)[source]

Initialize Embeddings.

Initializes Embeddings with the given chunks.


The following conditions need to hold if the respective chunks are passed:

  • Chunks need to have the expected type.

  • vocab.idx_bound == storage.shape[0]

  • len(vocab) == len(norms)

  • len(norms) == len(vocab) and len(norms) >= storage.shape[0]

  • storage (Storage) – Embeddings Storage.

  • vocab (Vocab) – Embeddings Vocabulary.

  • norms (Norms, optional) – Embeddings Norms.

  • metadata (Metadata, optional) – Embeddings Metadata.


AssertionError – If any of the conditions don’t hold.

__getitem__(item: str)numpy.ndarray[source]

Returns an embedding.


item (str) – The query item.


embedding – The embedding.

Return type



KeyError – If no embedding could be retrieved.

embedding(word: str, out: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, default: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None) → Optional[numpy.ndarray][source]

Embedding lookup.

Looks up the embedding for the input word.

If an out array is specified, the embedding is written into the array.

If it is not possible to retrieve an embedding for the input word, the default value is returned. This defaults to None. An embedding can not be retrieved if the vocabulary cannot provide an index for word.

This method never fails. If you do not provide a default value, check the return value for None. out is left untouched if no embedding can be found and default is None.

  • word (str) – The query word.

  • out (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Optional output array to write the embedding into.

  • default (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Optional default value to return if no embedding can be retrieved. Defaults to None.


embedding – The retrieved embedding or the default value.

Return type

numpy.ndarray, optional


>>> matrix = np.float32(np.random.rand(2, 10))
>>> storage = NdArray(matrix)
>>> vocab = SimpleVocab(["Some", "words"])
>>> embeddings = Embeddings(storage=storage, vocab=vocab)
>>> np.allclose(embeddings.embedding("Some"), matrix[0])
>>> # default value is None
>>> embeddings.embedding("oov") is None
>>> # It's possible to specify a default value
>>> default = embeddings.embedding("oov", default=storage[0])
>>> np.allclose(default, storage[0])
>>> # Embeddings can be written to an output buffer.
>>> out = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.float32)
>>> out2 = embeddings.embedding("Some", out=out)
>>> out is out2
>>> np.allclose(out, matrix[0])
embedding_with_norm(word: str, out: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, default: Optional[Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float]] = None) → Optional[Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float]][source]

Embedding lookup with norm.

Looks up the embedding for the input word together with its norm.

If an out array is specified, the embedding is written into the array.

If it is not possible to retrieve an embedding for the input word, the default value is returned. This defaults to None. An embedding can not be retrieved if the vocabulary cannot provide an index for word.

This method raises a TypeError if norms are not set.

  • word (str) – The query word.

  • out (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Optional output array to write the embedding into.

  • default (Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float], optional) – Optional default value to return if no embedding can be retrieved. Defaults to None.


(embedding, norm) – Tuple with the retrieved embedding or the default value at the first index and the norm at the second index.

Return type

EmbeddingWithNorm, optional

property storage

Get the Storage.


storage – The embeddings storage.

Return type


property vocab

The Vocab.


vocab – The vocabulary

Return type


property norms

The Norms.


Returns None or the Norms.


Set the Norms.


norms – The Norms or None.

Return type

Norms, optional

  • AssertionError – if embeddings.storage.shape[0] < len(embeddings.norms) or len(embeddings.norms) != len(embeddings.vocab)

  • TypeError – If norms is neither Norms nor None.

property metadata

The Metadata.


Returns None or the Metadata.


Set the Metadata.


metadata – The Metadata or None.

Return type

Metadata, optional


TypeError – If metadata is neither Metadata nor None.

chunks() → List[finalfusion.io.Chunk][source]

Get the Embeddings Chunks as a list.

The Chunks are ordered in the expected serialization order:

  1. Metadata (optional)

  2. Vocabulary

  3. Storage

  4. Norms (optional)


chunks – List of embeddings chunks.

Return type


write(file: Union[str, bytes, int, os.PathLike])[source]

Write the Embeddings to the given file.

Writes the Embeddings to a finalfusion file at the given file.


file (str, bytes, int, PathLike) – Path of the output file.


Bucket to explicit Embeddings conversion.

Multiple embeddings can still map to the same bucket, but all buckets that are not indexed by in-vocabulary n-grams are eliminated. This can have a big impact on the size of the embedding matrix.

Metadata is not copied to the new embeddings since it doesn’t reflect the changes. You can manually set the metadata and update the values accordingly.


embeddings – Embeddings with an ExplicitVocab instead of a hash-based vocabulary.

Return type



TypeError – If the current vocabulary is not a hash-based vocabulary (FinalfusionBucketVocab or FastTextVocab)

analogy(word1: str, word2: str, word3: str, k: int = 1, skip: Set[str] = None) → Optional[List[finalfusion.embeddings.SimilarityResult]][source]

Perform an analogy query.

This method returns words that are close in vector space the analogy query word1 is to word2 as word3 is to ?. More concretely, it searches embeddings that are similar to:

embedding(word2) - embedding(word1) + embedding(word3)

Words specified in skip are not considered as answers. If skip is None, the query words word1, word2 and word3 are excluded.

At most, k results are returned. None is returned when no embedding could be computed for any of the tokens.

  • word1 (str) – Word1 is to…

  • word2 (str) – word2 like…

  • word3 (str) – word3 is to the return value

  • skip (Set[str]) – Set of strings which should not be considered as answers. Defaults to None which excludes the query strings. To allow the query strings as answers, pass an empty set.

  • k (int) – Number of answers to return, defaults to 1.


answers – List of answers.

Return type


word_similarity(query: str, k: int = 10) → Optional[List[finalfusion.embeddings.SimilarityResult]][source]

Retrieves the nearest neighbors of the query string.

The similarity between the embedding of the query and other embeddings is defined by the dot product of the embeddings. If the vectors are unit vectors, this is the cosine similarity.

At most, k results are returned.

  • query (str) – The query string

  • k (int) – The number of neighbors to return, defaults to 10.


neighbours – List of tuples with neighbour and similarity measure. None if no embedding can be found for query.

Return type

List[Tuple[str, float], optional

embedding_similarity(query: numpy.ndarray, k: int = 10, skip: Optional[Set[str]] = None) → Optional[List[finalfusion.embeddings.SimilarityResult]][source]

Retrieves the nearest neighbors of the query embedding.

The similarity between the query embedding and other embeddings is defined by the dot product of the embeddings. If the vectors are unit vectors, this is the cosine similarity.

At most, k results are returned.

  • query (str) – The query array.

  • k (int) – The number of neighbors to return, defaults to 10.

  • skip (Set[str], optional) – Set of strings that should not be considered as neighbours.


neighbours – List of tuples with neighbour and similarity measure. None if no embedding can be found for query.

Return type

List[Tuple[str, float], optional

finalfusion.embeddings.load_finalfusion(file: Union[str, bytes, int, os.PathLike], mmap: bool = False)finalfusion.embeddings.Embeddings[source]

Read embeddings from a file in finalfusion format.

  • file (str, bytes, int, PathLike) – Path to a file with embeddings in finalfusoin format.

  • mmap (bool) – Toggles memory mapping the storage buffer.


embeddings – The embeddings from the input file.

Return type


class finalfusion.embeddings.SimilarityResult(word: str, similarity: float)[source]

Container for a Similarity result.

The word can be accessed through result.word, the similarity through result.similarity.