Source code for

Finalfusion storage

import struct
from os import PathLike
import sys
from typing import BinaryIO, Tuple, Union, Iterator

import numpy as np

from import ChunkIdentifier, TypeId, FinalfusionFormatError, find_chunk, \
    _pad_float32, _read_required_binary, _write_binary, _serialize_array_as_le, \
from import Storage

[docs]class NdArray(np.ndarray, Storage): """ Array storage. Wraps an numpy matrix, either in-memory or memory-mapped. Examples -------- >>> storage = NdArray(np.array([[1., 0.5], [0.5, 1.], [0.3, 0.4]], ... dtype=np.float32)) >>> # slicing an NdArray returns a storage backed by the same array >>> storage[:2] NdArray([[1. , 0.5], [0.5, 1. ]], dtype=float32) >>> # NdArray storage can be treated as numpy arrays >>> storage * 2 NdArray([[2. , 1. ], [1. , 2. ], [0.6, 0.8]], dtype=float32) >>> # Indexing with arrays, lists or ints returns numpy.ndarray >>> storage[0] array([1. , 0.5], dtype=float32) """
[docs] def __new__(cls, array: np.ndarray): """ Construct a new NdArray storage. Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray The storage buffer. Raises ------ TypeError If the array is not a 2-dimensional float32 array. """ if not np.issubdtype(array.dtype, np.float32) or array.ndim != 2: raise TypeError( f"expected 2-d float32 array, not {array.ndim}-d {array.dtype}" ) return array.view(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, file: BinaryIO, mmap: bool = False) -> 'NdArray': return cls.mmap_chunk(file) if mmap else cls.read_chunk(file)
[docs] @staticmethod def chunk_identifier() -> ChunkIdentifier: return ChunkIdentifier.NdArray
[docs] @staticmethod def read_chunk(file: BinaryIO) -> 'NdArray': rows, cols = NdArray._read_array_header(file) array = _read_array_as_native(file, np.float32, rows * cols) array = np.reshape(array, (rows, cols)) return NdArray(array)
@property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: return super().shape
[docs] @staticmethod def mmap_chunk(file: BinaryIO) -> 'NdArray': if sys.byteorder == "big": raise NotImplementedError( "Memmapping arrays is not supported on big endian platforms") rows, cols = NdArray._read_array_header(file) offset = file.tell() * cols * struct.calcsize('f'), 1) array = np.memmap(, dtype='<f4', mode='r', offset=offset, shape=(rows, cols)) return NdArray(array)
@staticmethod def _read_array_header(file: BinaryIO) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Helper method to read the header of an NdArray chunk. The method reads the shape tuple, verifies the TypeId and seeks the file to the start of the array. The shape tuple is returned. Parameters ---------- file : BinaryIO finalfusion file with a storage at the start of a NdArray chunk. Returns ------- shape : Tuple[int, int] Shape of the storage. Raises ------ FinalfusionFormatError If the TypeId does not match TypeId.f32 """ rows, cols = _read_required_binary(file, "<QI") type_id = TypeId(_read_required_binary(file, "<I")[0]) if TypeId.f32 != type_id: raise FinalfusionFormatError( f"Invalid Type, expected {TypeId.f32}, got {type_id}"), 1) return rows, cols
[docs] def write_chunk(self, file: BinaryIO): _write_binary(file, "<I", int(self.chunk_identifier())) padding = _pad_float32(file.tell()) chunk_len = struct.calcsize("<QII") + padding + struct.calcsize( f'<{self.size}f') # pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence rows, cols = self.shape _write_binary(file, "<QQII", chunk_len, rows, cols, int(TypeId.f32)) _write_binary(file, f"{padding}x") _serialize_array_as_le(file, self)
def __getitem__(self, index) -> Union['NdArray', np.ndarray]: if isinstance(index, slice): return super().__getitem__(index) return np.ndarray.__getitem__(self, index).view(np.ndarray) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[np.ndarray]: return iter(self.view(np.ndarray))
[docs]def load_ndarray(file: Union[str, bytes, int, PathLike], mmap: bool = False) -> NdArray: """ Load an array chunk from the given file. Parameters ---------- file: str, bytes, int, PathLike Finalfusion file with a ndarray chunk. mmap : bool Toggles memory mapping the array buffer as read only. Returns ------- storage : NdArray The NdArray storage from the file. Raises ------ ValueError If the file did not contain and NdArray chunk. """ with open(file, "rb") as inf: chunk = find_chunk(inf, [ChunkIdentifier.NdArray]) if chunk is None: raise ValueError("File did not contain a NdArray chunk") if chunk == ChunkIdentifier.NdArray: if mmap: return NdArray.mmap_chunk(inf) return NdArray.read_chunk(inf) raise ValueError(f"unknown storage type: {chunk}")
__all__ = ['NdArray', 'load_ndarray']