Source code for

Quantized finalfusion storage

This module contains the QuantizedArray storage type and the PQ quantizer.
Quantized storages offer a memory-for-speed trade-off and drastically reduce
the size of embedding matrices.

import struct
import sys
from os import PathLike
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Union, BinaryIO, Iterator, Sequence, cast

import numpy as np

from import _pad_float32, ChunkIdentifier, TypeId, FinalfusionFormatError, \
    find_chunk, _read_required_binary, _write_binary, _serialize_array_as_le, _read_array_as_native
from import Storage

[docs]class PQ: """ Product Quantizer Product Quantizers are vector quantizers which decompose high dimensional vector spaces into subspaces. Each of these subspaces is a slice of the the original vector space. Embeddings are quantized by assigning their ith slice to the closest centroid. Product Quantizers can reconstruct vectors by concatenating the slices of the quantized vector. """
[docs] def __init__(self, quantizers: np.ndarray, projection: Optional[np.ndarray]): """ Initializes a Product Quantizer. Parameters ---------- quantizers : np.ndarray 3-d ndarray with dtype uint8 projection : np.ndarray, optional Projection matrix, must be a square matrix with shape `[reconstructed_len, reconstructed_len]` Raises ------ AssertionError If the projection shape does not match the `reconstructed_len` """ self._quantizers = quantizers self._reconstructed_len = cast( int, quantizers.shape[0] * quantizers.shape[2]) if projection is not None: assert projection.shape[ 0] == self._reconstructed_len == projection.shape[1] self._projection = projection
@property def n_centroids(self) -> int: """ Number of centroids per quantizer. Returns ------- n_centroids : int The number of centroids per quantizer. """ centroids = self._quantizers.shape[1] # type: int return centroids @property def projection(self) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """ Projection matrix. Returns ------- projection : np.ndarray, optional Projection Matrix (2-d numpy array with datatype float32) or None. """ return self._projection @property def reconstructed_len(self) -> int: """ Reconstructed length. Returns ------- reconstructed_len : int Length of the reconstructed vectors. """ return self._reconstructed_len @property def subquantizers(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the quantizers. Returns a 3-d array with shape `quantizers * n_centroids * reconstructed_len / quantizers` Returns ------- quantizers : np.ndarray 3-d np.ndarray with dtype=np.uint8 @return: 3d tensor of quantizers """ return self._quantizers
[docs] def reconstruct(self, quantized: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Reconstruct vectors. Input Parameters ---------- quantized : np.ndarray Batch of quantized vectors. 2-d np.ndarray with integers required. out : np.ndarray, optional 2-d np.ndarray to write the output into. Returns ------- out : np.ndarray Batch of reconstructed vectors. Raises ------ AssertionError If `out` is passed and its last dimension does not match `reconstructed_len` or its first `n-1` dimensions do not match the first `n-1` dimensions of `quantized`. """ quantizers_range = np.arange(self._quantizers.shape[0]) if out is None: if quantized.ndim == 1: out_shape = self._reconstructed_len # type: Union[int, Sequence[int]] else: first_dims = quantized.shape[:-1] # type: Sequence[int] out_shape = (*first_dims, self._reconstructed_len) out = self._quantizers[quantizers_range, quantized].reshape( out_shape) else: assert out.shape[:-1] == quantized.shape[:-1] assert out.shape[-1] == self._reconstructed_len out[:] = self._quantizers[quantizers_range, quantized].reshape( out.shape) if self.projection is not None:, out=out) return out
[docs]class QuantizedArray(Storage): """ QuantizedArray storage. QuantizedArrays support slicing, indexing with integers, lists of integers and arbitrary dimensional integer arrays. Slicing a QuantizedArray returns a new QuantizedArray but does not copy any buffers. QuantizedArrays offer two ways of indexing: 1. :meth:`QuantizedArray.__getitem__`: * passing a slice returns a new view of the QuantizedArray. * passing an integer returns a single embedding, lists and arrays return ndims + 1 dimensional embeddings. 2. :meth:`QuantizedArray.embedding`: * embeddings can be written to an output buffer. * passing a slice returns a matrix holding **reconstructed** embeddings. * otherwise, this method behaves like :meth:`~QuantizedArray.__getitem__` A QuantizedArray can be treated as :class:`numpy.ndarray` through :func:`numpy.asarray`. This restores the original matrix and copies into a **new** buffer. Using common numpy functions on a QuantizedArray will produce a regular :class:`~numpy.ndarray` in the process and is therefore an expensive operation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pq: PQ, quantized_embeddings: np.ndarray, norms: Optional[np.ndarray]): """ Initialize a QuantizedArray. Parameters ---------- pq : PQ A product quantizer quantized_embeddings : numpy.ndarray The quantized embeddings norms : numpy.ndarray, optional Optional norms corresponding to the quantized embeddings. Reconstructed embeddings are scaled by their norm. """ self._quantizer = pq self._quantized_embeddings = quantized_embeddings self._norms = norms
@property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: return self._quantized_embeddings.shape[ 0], self._quantizer.reconstructed_len
[docs] def embedding(self, key, out: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Get embeddings. * if ``key`` is an integer, a single reconstructed embedding is returned. * if ``key`` is a list of integers or a slice, a matrix of reconstructed embeddings is returned. * if ``key`` is an n-dimensional array, a tensor with reconstructed embeddings is returned. This tensor has one new axis in the last dimension containing the embeddings. If ``out`` is passed, the reconstruction is written to this buffer. ``out.shape`` needs to match the dimensions described above. Parameters ---------- key : int, list, numpy.ndarray, slice Key specifying which embeddings to retrieve. out : numpy.ndarray Array to reconstruct the embeddings into. Returns ------- reconstruction : numpy.ndarray The reconstructed embedding or embeddings. """ quantized = self._quantized_embeddings[key] out = self._quantizer.reconstruct(quantized, out=out) if self._norms is None: return out return np.multiply(self._norms[key, None], out, out=out)
@property def quantized_len(self) -> int: """ Length of the quantized embeddings. Returns ------- quantized_len : int Length of quantized embeddings. """ q_len = self._quantized_embeddings.shape[1] # type: int return q_len @property def quantizer(self): """ Get the quantizer. Returns ------- pq : PQ The Product Quantizer. """ return self._quantizer def __getitem__(self, key) -> Union[np.ndarray, 'QuantizedArray']: if key is None: raise TypeError("None is not a valid key.") if isinstance(key, slice): quantizer = self.quantizer sliced_embeds = self._quantized_embeddings[key] norms = None if self._norms is not None: norms = self._norms[key] return QuantizedArray(quantizer, sliced_embeds, norms) return self.embedding(key) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[np.ndarray]: return map(self._quantizer.reconstruct, self._quantized_embeddings) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._quantized_embeddings) def __array__(self) -> np.ndarray: if self._norms is None: return self._quantizer.reconstruct(self._quantized_embeddings) return self._norms[:, None] * self._quantizer.reconstruct( self._quantized_embeddings)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, file: BinaryIO, mmap=False) -> 'QuantizedArray': return cls.mmap_chunk(file) if mmap else cls.read_chunk(file)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_chunk(file: BinaryIO) -> 'QuantizedArray': quantizer, embeds_shape, norms = QuantizedArray._read_quantized_header( file) n_embeddings, quantized_len = embeds_shape quantized_embeddings = _read_array_as_native( file, np.uint8, n_embeddings * quantized_len) quantized_embeddings = quantized_embeddings.reshape(embeds_shape) return QuantizedArray(quantizer, quantized_embeddings, norms)
[docs] @staticmethod def mmap_chunk(file: BinaryIO) -> 'QuantizedArray': if sys.byteorder == "big": raise NotImplementedError( "Memmapping arrays is not supported on big endian platforms") quantizer, embeds_shape, norms = QuantizedArray._read_quantized_header( file) n_embeddings, quantized_len = embeds_shape offset = file.tell() * quantized_len, 1) quantized_embeddings = np.memmap(, dtype=np.uint8, mode='r', offset=offset, shape=embeds_shape) return QuantizedArray(quantizer, quantized_embeddings, norms)
[docs] def write_chunk(self, file: BinaryIO): _write_binary(file, "<I", int(self.chunk_identifier())) padding = _pad_float32(file.tell()) chunk_len = struct.calcsize("<IIIIIQII") + padding proj = self._quantizer.projection is not None if proj: chunk_len += struct.calcsize( f"<{pow(self._quantizer.reconstructed_len, 2)}f") chunk_len += struct.calcsize(f"<{self._quantizer.subquantizers.size}f") norms = self._norms is not None if self._norms is not None: chunk_len += struct.calcsize(f"<{self._norms.size}f") chunk_len += self._quantized_embeddings.size chunk_header = (chunk_len, proj, norms, self.quantized_len, self.shape[1], self.quantizer.n_centroids, self.shape[0], int(TypeId.u8), int(TypeId.f32)) _write_binary(file, "<QIIIIIQII", *chunk_header) file.write(struct.pack(f"{padding}x")) if proj: _serialize_array_as_le(file, self.quantizer.projection) _serialize_array_as_le(file, self.quantizer.subquantizers) if norms: _serialize_array_as_le(file, self._norms) self._quantized_embeddings.tofile(file)
[docs] @staticmethod def chunk_identifier() -> ChunkIdentifier: return ChunkIdentifier.QuantizedArray
@staticmethod def _read_quantized_header( file: BinaryIO ) -> Tuple[PQ, Tuple[int, int], Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ Helper method to read the header of a quantized array chunk. Returns a tuple containing PQ, quantized_shape and optional norms. """ projection = _read_required_binary(file, '<I')[0] != 0 read_norms = _read_required_binary(file, '<I')[0] != 0 quantized_len = _read_required_binary(file, '<I')[0] reconstructed_len = _read_required_binary(file, '<I')[0] n_centroids = _read_required_binary(file, '<I')[0] n_embeddings = _read_required_binary(file, '<Q')[0] assert reconstructed_len % quantized_len == 0 type_id = _read_required_binary(file, '<I')[0] if int(TypeId.u8) != type_id: raise FinalfusionFormatError( f"Invalid Type, expected {str(TypeId.u8)}, got {type_id}") type_id = _read_required_binary(file, '<I')[0] if int(TypeId.f32) != type_id: raise FinalfusionFormatError( f"Invalid Type, expected {str(TypeId.f32)}, got {type_id}"), 1) if projection: projection = _read_array_as_native(file, np.float32, reconstructed_len**2) projection_shape = (reconstructed_len, reconstructed_len) projection = projection.reshape(projection_shape) else: projection = None quantizer_shape = (quantized_len, n_centroids, reconstructed_len // quantized_len) quantizers_size = quantized_len * n_centroids * (reconstructed_len // quantized_len) quantizers = _read_array_as_native(file, np.float32, quantizers_size) quantizers = quantizers.reshape(quantizer_shape) if read_norms: norms = _read_array_as_native(file, np.float32, n_embeddings) else: norms = None quantizer = PQ(quantizers, projection) return quantizer, (n_embeddings, quantized_len), norms
[docs]def load_quantized_array(file: Union[str, bytes, int, PathLike], mmap: bool = False) -> QuantizedArray: """ Load a quantized array chunk from the given file. Parameters ---------- file : str, bytes, int, PathLike Finalfusion file with a quantized array chunk. mmap : bool Toggles memory mapping the array buffer as read only. Returns ------- storage : QuantizedArray The QuantizedArray storage from the file. Raises ------ ValueError If the file did not contain a QuantizedArray chunk. """ with open(file, "rb") as inf: chunk = find_chunk(inf, [ChunkIdentifier.QuantizedArray]) if chunk is None: raise ValueError("File did not contain a QuantizedArray chunk") if chunk == ChunkIdentifier.QuantizedArray: return QuantizedArray.load(inf, mmap) raise ValueError(f"unknown storage type: {chunk}")
__all__ = ['QuantizedArray', 'PQ', 'load_quantized_array']