Source code for finalfusion.vocab.subword

Finalfusion Subword Vocabularies

import struct
from abc import abstractmethod
from os import PathLike
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Any, Union, Dict, BinaryIO, cast

from import ChunkIdentifier, find_chunk, _write_binary, _read_required_binary
from finalfusion.subword import ExplicitIndexer, FastTextIndexer, FinalfusionHashIndexer, ngrams
from finalfusion.vocab.vocab import Vocab, _validate_items_and_create_index, \
    _calculate_binary_list_size, _write_words_binary, _read_items, _read_items_with_indices

[docs]class SubwordVocab(Vocab): """ Interface for vocabularies with subword lookups. """
[docs] def idx(self, item: str, default: Optional[Union[List[int], int]] = None ) -> Optional[Union[List[int], int]]: idx = self.word_index.get(item) if idx is not None: return idx subwords = cast(List[int], self.subword_indices(item)) if subwords != []: return subwords return default
@property def upper_bound(self) -> int: return len(self) + self.subword_indexer.upper_bound @property def min_n(self) -> int: """ Get the lower bound of the range of extracted n-grams. Returns ------- min_n : int lower bound of n-gram range. """ return self.subword_indexer.min_n @property def max_n(self) -> int: """ Get the upper bound of the range of extracted n-grams. Returns ------- max_n : int upper bound of n-gram range. """ return self.subword_indexer.max_n @property @abstractmethod def subword_indexer( self ) -> Union[ExplicitIndexer, FinalfusionHashIndexer, FastTextIndexer]: """ Get this vocab's subword Indexer. The subword indexer produces indices for n-grams. In case of bucket vocabularies, this is a hash-based indexer (:class:`.FinalfusionHashIndexer`, :class:`.FastTextIndexer`). For explicit subword vocabularies, this is an :class:`.ExplicitIndexer`. Returns ------- subword_indexer : ExplicitIndexer, FinalfusionHashIndexer, FastTextIndexer The subword indexer of the vocabulary. """
[docs] def subwords(self, item: str, bracket: bool = True) -> List[str]: """ Get the n-grams of the given item as a list. The n-gram range is determined by the `min_n` and `max_n` values. Parameters ---------- item : str The query item to extract n-grams from. bracket : bool Toggles bracketing the item with '<' and '>' before extraction. Returns ------- ngrams : List[str] List of n-grams. """ return ngrams(item, self.min_n, self.max_n, bracket)
[docs] def subword_indices(self, item: str, bracket: bool = True, with_ngrams: bool = False)\ -> List[Union[int, Tuple[str, int]]]: """ Get the subword indices for the given item. This list does not contain the index for known items. Parameters ---------- item : str The query item. bracket : bool Toggles bracketing the item with '<' and '>' before extraction. with_ngrams : bool Toggles returning ngrams together with indices. Returns ------- indices : List[Union[int, Tuple[str, int]]] The list of subword indices. """ return self.subword_indexer.subword_indices(item, offset=len(self.words), bracket=bracket, with_ngrams=with_ngrams)
def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Union[int, List[int]]: idx = self.word_index.get(item) if idx is not None: return idx subwords = cast(List[int], self.subword_indices(item)) if subwords != []: return subwords raise KeyError(f"No indices found for {item}") def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}(\n" \ f"\tn_words={len(self)},\n" \ f"\tupper_bound={self.upper_bound},\n" \ f"\tindexer={self.subword_indexer}\n" \ ")" def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return isinstance(other, type(self)) and \ self.subword_indexer == other.subword_indexer and \ super(SubwordVocab, self).__eq__(other)
[docs]class FinalfusionBucketVocab(SubwordVocab): """ Finalfusion Bucket Vocabulary. """
[docs] def __init__(self, words: List[str], indexer: Optional[FinalfusionHashIndexer] = None): """ Initialize a FinalfusionBucketVocab. Initializes the vocabulary with the given words. If no indexer is passed, a FinalfusionHashIndexer with bucket exponent 21 is used. The word list cannot contain duplicate entries. Parameters ---------- words : List[str] List of unique words indexer : FinalfusionHashIndexer, optional Subword indexer to use for the vocabulary. Defaults to an indexer with 2^21 buckets with range 3-6. Raises ------ AssertionError If the indexer is not a FinalfusionHashIndexer or ``words`` contains duplicate entries. """ if indexer is None: indexer = FinalfusionHashIndexer(21) assert isinstance(indexer, FinalfusionHashIndexer), \ f"indexer needs to be FinalfusionHashIndexer, not {type(indexer)}" super().__init__() self._index = _validate_items_and_create_index(words) self._words = words self._indexer = indexer
[docs] def to_explicit(self) -> 'ExplicitVocab': """ Return an ExplicitVocab built from this vocab. This method iterates over the known words and extracts all ngrams within this vocab's bounds. Each of the ngrams is hashed and mapped to an index. This index is not necessarily unique for each ngram, if hashes collide, multiple ngrams will be mapped to the same index. The returned vocab will be unable to produce indices for unknown ngrams. The indices of the new vocabs known indices will be cover `[0, vocab.upper_bound)` Returns ------- explicit_vocab : ExplicitVocab The converted vocabulary. """ return _bucket_to_explicit(self)
[docs] def write_chunk(self, file: BinaryIO): _write_bucket_vocab(file, self)
@property def words(self) -> List[str]: return self._words @property def subword_indexer(self) -> FinalfusionHashIndexer: return self._indexer @property def word_index(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return self._index
[docs] @staticmethod def read_chunk(file: BinaryIO) -> 'FinalfusionBucketVocab': length, min_n, max_n, buckets = _read_required_binary(file, "<QIII") words = _read_items(file, length) indexer = FinalfusionHashIndexer(buckets, min_n, max_n) return FinalfusionBucketVocab(words, indexer)
[docs] @staticmethod def chunk_identifier() -> ChunkIdentifier: return ChunkIdentifier.BucketSubwordVocab
[docs]class FastTextVocab(SubwordVocab): """ FastText vocabulary """
[docs] def __init__(self, words: List[str], indexer: Optional[FastTextIndexer] = None): """ Initialize a FastTextVocab. Initializes the vocabulary with the given words. If no indexer is passed, a FastTextIndexer with 2_000_000 buckets is used. The word list cannot contain duplicate entries. Parameters ---------- words : List[str] List of unique words indexer : FastTextIndexer, optional Subword indexer to use for the vocabulary. Defaults to an indexer with 2_000_000 buckets and range 3-6. Raises ------ AssertionError If the indexer is not a FastTextIndexer or ``words`` contains duplicate entries. """ if indexer is None: indexer = FastTextIndexer(2000000) assert isinstance(indexer, FastTextIndexer) super().__init__() self._index = _validate_items_and_create_index(words) self._words = words self._indexer = indexer
[docs] def to_explicit(self) -> 'ExplicitVocab': """ Return an ExplicitVocab built from this vocab. This method iterates over the known words and extracts all ngrams within this vocab's bounds. Each of the ngrams is hashed and mapped to an index. This index is not necessarily unique for each ngram, if hashes collide, multiple ngrams will be mapped to the same index. The returned vocab will be unable to produce indices for unknown ngrams. The indices of the new vocabs known indices will be cover `[0, vocab.upper_bound)` Returns ------- explicit_vocab : ExplicitVocab The converted vocabulary. """ return _bucket_to_explicit(self)
@property def subword_indexer(self) -> FastTextIndexer: return self._indexer @property def word_index(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return self._index @property def words(self) -> List[str]: return self._words
[docs] @staticmethod def read_chunk(file: BinaryIO) -> 'FastTextVocab': length, min_n, max_n, buckets = _read_required_binary(file, "<QIII") words = _read_items(file, length) indexer = FastTextIndexer(buckets, min_n, max_n) return FastTextVocab(words, indexer)
[docs] def write_chunk(self, file: BinaryIO): _write_bucket_vocab(file, self)
[docs] @staticmethod def chunk_identifier(): return ChunkIdentifier.FastTextSubwordVocab
[docs]class ExplicitVocab(SubwordVocab): """ A vocabulary with explicitly stored n-grams. """
[docs] def __init__(self, words: List[str], indexer: ExplicitIndexer): """ Initialize an ExplicitVocab. Initializes the vocabulary with the given words and ExplicitIndexer. The word list cannot contain duplicate entries. Parameters ---------- words : List[str] List of unique words indexer : ExplicitIndexer Subword indexer to use for the vocabulary. Raises ------ AssertionError If the indexer is not an ExplicitIndexer. See Also -------- :class:`.ExplicitIndexer` """ assert isinstance(indexer, ExplicitIndexer) super().__init__() self._index = _validate_items_and_create_index(words) self._words = words self._indexer = indexer
@property def word_index(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return self._index @property def subword_indexer(self) -> ExplicitIndexer: return self._indexer @property def words(self) -> List[str]: return self._words
[docs] @staticmethod def chunk_identifier() -> ChunkIdentifier: return ChunkIdentifier.ExplicitSubwordVocab
[docs] @staticmethod def read_chunk(file: BinaryIO) -> 'ExplicitVocab': length, ngram_length, min_n, max_n = _read_required_binary( file, "<QQII") words = _read_items(file, length) ngram_list, ngram_index = _read_items_with_indices(file, ngram_length) indexer = ExplicitIndexer(ngram_list, min_n, max_n, ngram_index) return ExplicitVocab(words, indexer)
[docs] def write_chunk(self, file) -> None: chunk_length = _calculate_binary_list_size(self.words) chunk_length += _calculate_binary_list_size( self.subword_indexer.ngrams) min_n_max_n_size = struct.calcsize("<II") chunk_length += min_n_max_n_size chunk_header = (int(self.chunk_identifier()), chunk_length, len(self.words), len(self.subword_indexer.ngrams), self.min_n, self.max_n) _write_binary(file, "<IQQQII", *chunk_header) _write_words_binary((bytes(word, "utf-8") for word in self.words), file) for ngram in self.subword_indexer.ngrams: b_ngram = ngram.encode("utf-8") _write_binary(file, "<I", len(b_ngram)) file.write(b_ngram) _write_binary(file, "<Q", self.subword_indexer.ngram_index[ngram])
[docs]def load_finalfusion_bucket_vocab(file: Union[str, bytes, int, PathLike] ) -> FinalfusionBucketVocab: """ Load a FinalfusionBucketVocab from the given finalfusion file. Parameters ---------- file : str, bytes, int, PathLike Path to file containing a FinalfusionBucketVocab chunk. Returns ------- vocab : FinalfusionBucketVocab Returns the first FinalfusionBucketVocab in the file. """ with open(file, "rb") as inf: chunk = find_chunk(inf, [ChunkIdentifier.BucketSubwordVocab]) if chunk is None: raise ValueError('File did not contain a FinalfusionBucketVocab}') return FinalfusionBucketVocab.read_chunk(inf)
[docs]def load_fasttext_vocab(file: Union[str, bytes, int, PathLike] ) -> FastTextVocab: """ Load a FastTextVocab from the given finalfusion file. Parameters ---------- file : str, bytes, int, PathLike Path to file containing a FastTextVocab chunk. Returns ------- vocab : FastTextVocab Returns the first FastTextVocab in the file. """ with open(file, "rb") as inf: chunk = find_chunk(inf, [ChunkIdentifier.FastTextSubwordVocab]) if chunk is None: raise ValueError('File did not contain a FastTextVocab}') return FastTextVocab.read_chunk(inf)
[docs]def load_explicit_vocab(file: Union[str, bytes, int, PathLike] ) -> ExplicitVocab: """ Load a ExplicitVocab from the given finalfusion file. Parameters ---------- file : str, bytes, int, PathLike Path to file containing a ExplicitVocab chunk. Returns ------- vocab : ExplicitVocab Returns the first ExplicitVocab in the file. """ with open(file, "rb") as inf: chunk = find_chunk(inf, [ChunkIdentifier.ExplicitSubwordVocab]) if chunk is None: raise ValueError('File did not contain a FastTextVocab}') return ExplicitVocab.read_chunk(inf)
def _bucket_to_explicit(vocab: Union[FinalfusionBucketVocab, FastTextVocab] ) -> 'ExplicitVocab': ngram_index = dict() idx_index = dict() # type: Dict[int, int] ngram_list = [] for word in vocab.words: token_ngrams = vocab.subwords(word) for ngram in token_ngrams: if ngram not in ngram_index: ngram_list.append(ngram) idx = vocab.subword_indexer(ngram) if idx not in idx_index: idx_index[idx] = len(idx_index) ngram_index[ngram] = idx_index[idx] indexer = ExplicitIndexer(ngram_list, vocab.min_n, vocab.max_n, ngram_index) return ExplicitVocab(vocab.words, indexer) def _write_bucket_vocab(file: BinaryIO, vocab: Union[FastTextVocab, FinalfusionBucketVocab]): min_n_max_n_size = struct.calcsize("<II") buckets_size = struct.calcsize("<I") chunk_length = _calculate_binary_list_size(vocab.words) chunk_length += min_n_max_n_size chunk_length += buckets_size chunk_id = vocab.chunk_identifier() if chunk_id == ChunkIdentifier.FastTextSubwordVocab: buckets = vocab.subword_indexer.upper_bound else: buckets = cast(FinalfusionHashIndexer, vocab.subword_indexer).buckets_exp chunk_header = (int(chunk_id), chunk_length, len(vocab.words), vocab.min_n, vocab.max_n, buckets) _write_binary(file, "<IQQIII", *chunk_header) _write_words_binary((bytes(word, "utf-8") for word in vocab.words), file) __all__ = [ 'SubwordVocab', 'FinalfusionBucketVocab', 'load_finalfusion_bucket_vocab', 'FastTextVocab', 'load_fasttext_vocab', 'ExplicitVocab', 'load_explicit_vocab' ]